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Pick the right nib size for the space. If you have a lot of space to fill with only a few words (for example, a name on a certificate) choose a nib large enough to fill the space while keeping the letters in proportion. On the other hand, if you have a lot of words to write in a small space (like a wedding invitation), choose a smaller pen. - 2
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Mark out your nib widths when starting from scratch; index cards are good for this. For the average alphabet that uses both upper and lower case letters, you'll want eight nib widths per line. Starting with you base line make eight marks, one above the other, on the edge of your paper. At the fifth square up draw a dashed line--this is where your lower case letters will stop--and after the seventh draw another unbroken line to represent the top edge of your capitals. The eighth mark is the upper limit for ascenders. - 4Allow space between each line for ascenders and descenders. The top three nib widths (the two for capitals and the topmost one) provide space for any ascenders. Descenders should have three nib widths available below your base line.
- 5When centering words, sketch them out on a spare piece of paper, find the center letter of each line, and estimate how far to right you have to start that line from the center of the space.
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Tips & Warnings
- When centering, don't necessarily start with the middle character and work outward. Doing this will give an unnatural look to your letters and you want them to flow one to the next, even if they do not actually connect. Being perfectly centered is less important than calligraphy that flows.
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